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It was seldom for me to stay until at the very end of a movie to watch the scrolling credits of the film. But I did on Duyung the Movie by KRUstudios, as I did on movies like Transformers (to enjoy the OST by Linkin’ Park), Cicak Man and a few other Jacky Chan movies.
The reason for me to stay was simply to satisfy my curiosity over the setting (screenplay) of the movie. Clear blue water with eye-catching coral reef and rich exotic marine life sprawling and dancing around the beautiful Duyung (mermaid) acted by Maya Karin. And guess what.. some of the original set was quite familiar to my senses.
My instinct kept convincing me that it was the place where I spent my last year’s (2007) Eid ul- Fitr holiday with my family in-law in Semporna (Sabah, Malaysian Borneo). To be exact, The Semporna Holiday Resort at Tampi-tampi, Semporna. And yes, the movie was filmed there besides some other internationally known dive sites and resorts such as Sipadan Island, Mataking Island and as well as Mabul Island.
The newly elected Member of Parliament of Semporna, Datuk Mohd Shafie Haji Apdal who was recently appointed as the Minister of Unity, Arts, Culture and Heritage should work hand in hand with Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment for the protection of the precious fragile environment and Ministry of Tourism for the worldwide promotion and marketing. And of cause pledge and assurance of safety by our maritime security agency and Malaysian Royal Navy forces on the sovereignity of our islands (thanks to m&m for the comment). An opportunity for him (the minister) to prove his worth to the people who extended his service for another term. A heritage worth fighting for our future generation inheritance.
My only hope that the beautiful scenery setting was not generated by CGI (Computer Generated Image) scenes. KRUstudios was reported to have created around 200 CGI effects to support the movie. One of the awesome CGI scene in the movie was the treasure cavern where Putri (the mermaid) brought Jimmy (Apek) for a sightseeing. Congrats KRUstudios.
The reason for me to stay was simply to satisfy my curiosity over the setting (screenplay) of the movie. Clear blue water with eye-catching coral reef and rich exotic marine life sprawling and dancing around the beautiful Duyung (mermaid) acted by Maya Karin. And guess what.. some of the original set was quite familiar to my senses.
My instinct kept convincing me that it was the place where I spent my last year’s (2007) Eid ul- Fitr holiday with my family in-law in Semporna (Sabah, Malaysian Borneo). To be exact, The Semporna Holiday Resort at Tampi-tampi, Semporna. And yes, the movie was filmed there besides some other internationally known dive sites and resorts such as Sipadan Island, Mataking Island and as well as Mabul Island.
The newly elected Member of Parliament of Semporna, Datuk Mohd Shafie Haji Apdal who was recently appointed as the Minister of Unity, Arts, Culture and Heritage should work hand in hand with Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment for the protection of the precious fragile environment and Ministry of Tourism for the worldwide promotion and marketing. And of cause pledge and assurance of safety by our maritime security agency and Malaysian Royal Navy forces on the sovereignity of our islands (thanks to m&m for the comment). An opportunity for him (the minister) to prove his worth to the people who extended his service for another term. A heritage worth fighting for our future generation inheritance.
My only hope that the beautiful scenery setting was not generated by CGI (Computer Generated Image) scenes. KRUstudios was reported to have created around 200 CGI effects to support the movie. One of the awesome CGI scene in the movie was the treasure cavern where Putri (the mermaid) brought Jimmy (Apek) for a sightseeing. Congrats KRUstudios.
Campukak: Semporna will be hosting the 15th Regatta Lepa Semporna-Water Festival from April 18th until April 20th 2008.
i have this image that semporna is not quite a safe place. i remember going there once in 1995, i think, my driver asked me to sit in the car to have lunch. he said " kau tidak biasa di sini bah". maybe the next i go home i will visit semporna again.
You are right.., despite countless assurance of counter terrorist measures by the Malaysian Security Forces, threats still exist. The drama of hostage taking over Langkayan Island, Sipadan Island and Borneo Paradise Resort along Lahad Datu-Kunak Road by Abu Sayaf Group some years back still lingers in the minds of local people. Malaysian government set up naval bases in Sandakan and Tawau and a strategic base for Naval Special Commando Force (PASKAL-Pasukan Khas Tentera Laut)in Semporna as a support on rapid and tactical responds. These forces also are equipped with latest technology and gadgets to enhance their surveillance capabilities. And yet the smuggling activities still exist, boundary encroachment by paperless immigrants not settled and maybe as the escape route for international outlaws, fugitives or terrorist. Who knows.
After 37 years of my sweet life, finally i get to step foot in Semporna. That was also by chance actually hehehe. Anyway, my 1st impression of its 'town' was...a disappointment :-(. It looks like a foreign place and i felt like a foreigner!! and yes, i too didn't feel safe being there. I think our government should do something about it coz that place is supposed to be the transit for tourists who wants to visit our beautiful islands of Sipadan and 'Pulau Tiga'. So sad....
eerrr...btw, that 'anonymous' was me hehehe. Congrates on creating this blog campukak. will try to visit as often as possible ;-)
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