"Would you like to start your half hour now?" said Sufiah, 23, as she danced on the bed, displaying her body for examination.
Calling herself Shilpa Lee, the former child prodigy still juggles with figures on a hookers' website, describing herself as a "very pretty size 8, 32D bust and 5'5" tall—available for booking every day from 11am to 8pm."
She says she is a "sexy, smart student" who prefers "older gentlemen"— but a former pal who has witnessed her downfall told us: "It is all desperately heartbreaking.
The gifted girl with the winning smile had the world at her feet ten years ago and should be a rich woman by now—but last week she was busy subtracting her underwear for our undercover reporter in her dingy back street flat. Read more..
Calling herself Shilpa Lee, the former child prodigy still juggles with figures on a hookers' website, describing herself as a "very pretty size 8, 32D bust and 5'5" tall—available for booking every day from 11am to 8pm."
She says she is a "sexy, smart student" who prefers "older gentlemen"— but a former pal who has witnessed her downfall told us: "It is all desperately heartbreaking.
The gifted girl with the winning smile had the world at her feet ten years ago and should be a rich woman by now—but last week she was busy subtracting her underwear for our undercover reporter in her dingy back street flat. Read more..
obviously, she spent too much time studying math and haven't got the chance to enjoy herself. there is something pent up in her for a long time due to, probably, the fact that she was brought up in a very strict environment and religious background. she is protesting against her father, her religion and society, and obvious wanted to be appreciated for the natural beauty and talent that she has and not by what society expect from her or her father want her to be. that poor girl was driven into "prostitution" in a very young age by her father when he forced her to become a dummy for his experiment. that poor girl just want to have fun. this is nothing new in malaysia where cases like bohsia, teenage pregnancy and pre-marital sex among teenagers is quite rampant. we only have ourselves to blame for all this.
let this be a lesson for all of us...turn to ALLAH and ask for his forgiveness and help. insya ALLAH there will be a brighter path for us...
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